
7 Products In 7 Days


Want to make money but have nothing to sell? Learn how to create 7 products in 7 days. This ebook contains the step by step breakdown of high speed product creation methodology. Buy it now at a discount to instantly get started with your entrepreneurial journey of creating and selling your own products.

7 Products In 7 Days

“Step by step breakdown of high speed product creation methodology”

If you’ve ever wanted to get a little sneaky peak at how someone else’s online business works for once, even if it’s to see if you’re doing things in the right way, now’s your chance. Here’s what I did last week and what this means for you. Watch closely though, blink and you’ll miss the point.

Bear in mind at least half of my time is spent on the more creative side of online business. Who knows why, I just like that bit the best. So here I am at 2pm browsing around other marketers sites to check out what’s hot and what’s not (as you do) and bam, out of the blue a brand new product idea hits me. Here’s the kicker…

Ok fast forward 60 minutes. From the blank piece of paper sitting in front of me, and that one single idea I had an hour ago, I’ve mapped out and planned four separate products ranging from free through to $900 price tags that I know for sure will sell, I’m writing two of them at the same time, recording another and my programmer has been briefed about the fourth ready to get building. There’s more though…

I do this at least twice a week, out of the blue.

Just think, what could you do with four new product ideas twice a week that only take you an hour to conceive and start building? I’ll assume if we’re on the same wavelength here that you’d see a big fountain of cash flowing right into you lap.

This isn’t something that came naturally.

This isn’t something that I was born with.

This is a method that I’ve learned and honed over nearly seven years of product creation in the online world, whether those products are for myself, or being created for someone else, it’s a great feeling to be able to pull this off. I’ll show you exactly how I’ve been leaving my competitors in the dust with this method, and hey, best of all from my experiments on other people (ethical ones, I promise) they can learn and start using this method in 40 minutes flat.

My bet is that you can too.
Let’s see if you have what it takes

Review 1: “I wish I’d have started buying your stuff when I first got into online marketing. I spent almost $30,000 and 5 years of my time trying to figure out what you just told me in your course”
7 Products In 7 Days

Learn how to tap into a constant flow of ideas that will never leave you wondering what you can sell next using four simple methods that each should take no longer than 7 minutes to grasp.

Discover why your ideas are being stolen as you read this, and how to stop this from happening straight away, before everyone else gets rich from your ideas.

Listen in as I show you exactly how I come up with no less than 5 new viable product ideas every 7 days. I’ll show you how can emulate this method quickly, and easily.

Gain the power of hindsight along with the ability to differentiate between the good and the bad of your many ideas. It’s easy to know how much money there is to be made in an idea. But only when you know where to look. No beating around the bush, no dodgy untested theories, I’ll show you the top 4 proven ways to do this.

I’ll show you how to mix with your target market in such a way that you’ll be receiving new ideas for products from other people without having to do any of the brainwork yourself that others struggle with on a daily basis.

I won’t be leaving you to do this on your own. Oh no, in fact, I’m going to do this with you, showing you how this idea generation method isn’t just a theory, but it works in the real world and is in use, churning out scores of new products per year for many online and offline business owners.

Originality is the key. There’s too much same old same old nowadays, if you want to make sales, you have to be original. I’m going to reveal to you 4 separate techniques that allow you to create products in such a way, that your target market won’t be able to resist you, simply because no one else will be doing what you are.

Success is about evaluating your products and presentation before you even start to sell. The high earners know how to do this already, the ones failing to make sales don’t even know that the very product they’re trying to sell is the problem, and probably never will. Through a simple product evaluation technique to be used on your ideas, we’ll make sure that you’re not one of the latter.

It’s a little known fact that evaluating the potential of your product is very different to analyzing it’s viability inside a specific market. Just because you have a good product, it doesn’t mean it’s going to make you the most money by selling to the most obvious group of people. We’ll show you exactly how you can figure out for yourself where to make the most money out of your ideas.

Avoid the number 1 downfall of online business people trying to create products of any sort. It happens in a flash, it’s an unconscious product of the human brain that most don’t even know that they’re doing, but they are, and it’s wreaking havoc on their product creation and idea generation processes. It’s easily avoidable however, and with just 60 seconds of practice every day for a week using my methods, you can break out of it for a lifetime, ahead of all the other marketers out there.

Did you know that simply by altering your presentation you can create up to five products out of a single one of your ideas, without recycling content over and over again? What’s more, this process takes just a minute or two. How valuable would it be for you to wake up one morning, and by the time you go to bed at night have five products ready to be developed, launched and profited from? I’ll show you how I’m doing this every single time I turn my computer on.

I’m going to give you real life examples of how businesses flourish simply by targeting their products at different markets. While everyone is out there hammering the same people for the same products, I’m going to show you how to take a new approach, to sneak in the back door and start making sales where no one thought it possible. (There’s some major information here. Profitable niche markets for products are being snapped up as we speak)

How your friends, family and work colleagues create products for you. They do it every day, all you have to do is to be able to spot it and take action before somebody else beats you to it. I’ll show you how.

Are you committing business suicide by selecting the wrong products to create? I’ll demonstrate to you through a short five step checklist that you can see how your business and your product are going to perform before you’ve even finished conceiving the idea. Get this wrong, and your business could be headed for disaster.

5 factors that will determine the success of your business. If you’re creating a product and any one of these exists, you’re in for big problems later down the line. A simple formula for avoiding the pitfalls is laid before you to stop you wasting your precious time and hard earned cash.

As an added bonus…

In addition to the above, I’m going to show you how to bring your products to life through information products that people actually read. Did you know that the majority of people won’t actually read your stuff? Even if they paid for it. That’s a scary thought. What about all that marketing information you’re putting out? We’ll immediately address how to actually get people to read and take action on your words through your own products.


I’m going to show you exactly what to look for in re-sale products if you want to be a success in this field with some very important points that will immediately tell you whether or not you have the potential to be a success. It’s time to stop wasting your money on shoddy products, and get the real deal every time.


7 Products In 7 Days

Review 2: “Finally! For 9 months I’ve been scouring the net, reading all the info products I could get my hands on, and not until today when I read yours did I actually increase my income from one within 24 hours of my purchase. It’s worth ten times what you’re charging for it if you ask me..”
Review 3: “I’ll be honest with you, I didn’t need your course, because I’ve got all the successful tips and tactics that I need, and I’m already making enough money. What I did get though was a great spark of inspiration from what you’re writing. It was a very refreshing experience indeed”

Try This at a Low Risk

You might well be wondering: what if it doesn’t work for my business? What if I already know all of this? What if I’m not 100% happy with the course and it’s another poor excuse to make a quick buck out of me?

Here’s my answer. this ebook contains the crucial components of high speed product creation, components which are proven to produce results. You might know some of the info presented in the book but a lot of the tactics are cutting edge, never before seen, scalable and above all, tremendously profitable. It’s true that we cannot offer you a refund/money back guarantee on our digital/downloadable products. However, if you get started with this product and give it a shot, and find for any reason you are not satisfied that the results push you towards a very profitable future indeed, fire us an e-mail at and show us you’ve put the information into action, and if it really doesn’t work for you, we’re going to offer you a free consultation call where we assess your current situation and give you customized advice for your particular business needs. Low Risk, High Potential. Simple.

Obtain Your Copy of “The Warrior Marketer” Today

 One Single Payment

7 Products In 7 Days

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(When All 250 Are Sold This Product Will Be Pulled From This Site, Never To Be Seen Again. Don’t Wait, Or You’ll Miss It!)




Viral Marketing



In this ebook you’ll discover the best and most productive viral marketing techniques and how to implement them. Here’s just a small sample of things you’ll discover in this report…

  • What every viral marketing technique or campaign needs in order to be highly successful and generate the best possible results.
  • Two modern, cutting-edge viral marketing methods that you should begin taking advantage of right away.
  • What you should never ask viewers to do when you’re distributing free ebooks – it could cause your entire viral campaign to stop dead in its tracks.
  • How to easily and quickly create quality ebooks that other webmasters will be eager to distribute to their own viewers.
  • The one thing you need in order to gain the highest advantage when writing and distributing articles and how to do it.
  • The two characteristics every free ebook must have in order to make certain it gets actively and agreesively passed along to other readers.
  • One of the most effective methods of viral marketing that will also generate counless quality backlinks automatically.

Attraction Marketing Bring People to You Rather than going after them

Bonus 2: Attraction Marketing: Bring People to You Rather than going after them

In this bonus you will-

  • Learn the fundamentals of attraction marketing
  • Make customers chase you and rather than going after them

The main product gives you a detailed, precise, no bullsh!t guide to understand a successful product creation system. The 2 bonuses are the 2 pillars that teach you how to be efficient, effective & productive with the marketing of your product to generate massive sales. So, in one purchase you not only get your “7 Product in 7 Days” guide, rather you get a complete product creation & marketing package, 3 guides in total…for no additional cost!


P.S. Everything you’re about to read is tried and tested material. This will apply to your business not just once, but for many years to come. It’s an investment not just for today, but far into the future.

PPS. Remember, this is 100% low risk. We cannot offer you a money back guarantee on our digital products. However, if for any reason you don’t believe that you’re having trouble getting results, just contact us via email, show us how you put these techniques into action, and we’ll give you a free consultation call. That’s how confident we are that this really does work.

PPPS. Still not convinced this is for you? Well, it is your choice of course, but if you do go ahead and grab your download while we still have some copies left, you could well be one of these people in a few short weeks:

Review 4: “Wow. I thought I knew it all until today. I learned something on every single page, and hey, here I am 3 weeks later using your tips that for once do exactly as advertised and really did double my sales. That’s proof you know what you’re talking about. Expect more sales too, because I couldn’t help myself and went ahead and told all my contacts about your products”
Review 5: “That had to be the most down to earth read I’ve had this year. You really do tell it like it is. Blunt, easy to understand and information that doesn’t contradict itself every two lines. That’s a rare gem of an info product in my experience. I’d buy it a hundred times over”
Review 6: “Glad I bought your book before I decided to launch my product. I was heading for disaster just like you said. I can’t afford to be sitting here with the same income next year, and by the looks of my sales figures after just a week of putting your knowledge into action, I won’t be”

To your success, my friend!


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