Business Opportunities

moneydronex sell your product


Skyrocket Your Sales - Make a Win-Win Deal With Us

Do you have a product/service that you would like to take to market? Let’s create a fierce combo. With your creative talent and our unique ability to create powerful engagement with customers, we might just have the winning formula. If you’re not sure that you can attract enough customers/leads on your own, then collaborating with us would be a great opportunity – for both you and us. You can lose a lot of sales if you don’t put your product/service in front of the right people. Since our site attracts a lot of qualified and enthusiastic buyers, you can easily solve that problem by choosing to sell on our site. You can put your brand, event, product or service in front of a lot of people who are actively looking for such things and gain massive exposure. If you’re interested, contact us describing your sales vision by emailing at or message the live chat. Let us know what kind of product/service you want to sell (ebooks, digital courses, video/audio/media content, software/apps, SAAS, services you provide like consulting, website building, training, events etc.). Note that you have to have proof of ownership/copyright of the product/service. Also your product/service must be in/relevant to these niches: Business Automation, Business & Startups, High Income Skills (Copywriting, Sales, Marketing, Content Writing etc.), Internet Marketing, Lifestyle, Money, Motivation & Mindset, Passive Income, Productivity, Real Estate, Self Help, Stock Trading, Success, Wealth, Investing & Personal Finance. After your product/service is approved, based on your budget and requirements we will then agree on how we will sell the product/service on our website. Payment details/inquiries will be offered and resolved via email/live chat. The basic payment structure is you pay us a flat fee (fixed amount) + commission (percentage) on every sale you make. That way, you keep the majority for yourself. It is very probable that your sales volume will be more than enough to compensate for these fees in just a few weeks if not days and the rest is your profit. Note that you have to pay 25% of your flat fee in advance and pay the remaining 75% of the fee within 24 hours of the product/service being published on our site. If you don’t complete your flat fee payment in full within 24 hours, your product/service will be taken off the site. You only pay your commission to us every month as long as you keep making sales.
Our sales program is known for being visionary, data driven & scalable. So, no matter what size your brand is, we can provide you the best sales deals based on your unique needs.

Other Benefits:

  • Sell your product/service on a global scale
  • Put your product/service in front of highly qualified prospects who are actively looking for products/services
  • Get high-quality marketing done for your product, at no extra cost

If your product/service is not online and in front of the right prospects, you’re losing money and letting your competitors win. So, don’t procrastinate and start selling your product/service with us today. We look forward to our win-win collaboration.

Crush Your Advertising Goals - Run Fully Customized Ads at a Budget

Not getting enough customers/leads? With the consistent rise in internet traffic, more and more people are researching and buying products/services online. If you don’t market yourself properly in front of the right audience, you’re on your way to being irrelevant in your niche. Since our site attracts a lot of qualified and enthusiastic buyers, you can easily solve your marketing problem by choosing to advertise on our site. You can put your brand, event, product or service in front of a lot of people who are actively looking for such things and gain massive exposure. Even if you don’t already have an ad or ad-agency, you can reach the right customers with tailored campaigns & match your exact advertising goals.
Creating your campaign is simple – even if you don’t have a pre-made ad or an agency, or a huge budget. Contact us with your advertisement requirements by emailing at or message the live chat. Let us know what kind of advertisement you want to run (banner ad, video ad etc.). Based on your budget and requirements we will then agree on where and how long we will display the advertisement on our website. If you don’t have the ad made just yet, we can offer you samples/templates which you can use to create your own ad super fast. Payment details/inquiries will be offered and resolved via email/live chat. Note that you have to pay 25% of your total advertisement budget in advance and pay the remaining 75% of the bill within 24 hours of the advertisement being published on our site. If you don’t complete payment in full within 24 hours, your ad will be taken off the site.
Our advertisement program is known for being customizable, fine tuned & scalable. So, no matter what size your brand is, we can provide you the best advertisement deals based on your unique needs.

Other Benefits:

  • Reach a global audience
  • Target highly qualified prospects who are actively looking for products/services
  • Set daily/monthly/yearly advertisement budgets as per your unique needs
  • Scale up your ads & budgets for massive success as you get more & more sales

The longer you go without advertising online, the more money you lose to your competitors. So, don’t procrastinate and get started with your advertisement with us today. We look forward to creating a win-win relationship.

moneydronex advertise with us
moneydronex affiliate program


Promote Our Best & Highest-Converting Offers & Generate Massive Commissions

Want to make some extra money? Consider promoting our top offers & earn commissions. We offer a handful of high quality products and services that add value to people who are looking for content in our niche. You can simply help our products/services get in front of a bunch of enthusiastic people and help us in our mission to build a financially well-informed world.

What You Will Be Promoting:

You can choose to promote any of the products/services we offer on the site. Mostly they are digital products like ebooks, digital courses, video/audio/media content and digital assets, software/apps, SAAS, and services like consulting, website building, training, events etc.

Qualified Affiliate Sale:

For an affiliate sale to be considered qualified by us, it has to be completely legit and in no way, shape or form should be fraudulent. Any refunds/chargebacks by the buyers will NOT be considered as a qualified affiliate sale. Also any attempt to buy through your own affiliate link will NOT be considered as a qualified affiliate sale.

Your Commission:

Unless explicitly explained otherwise, your commission rate for getting a qualified affiliate sale on any product/service that we offer is 25% of the selling price (in US dollars) of that product/service. In case of refunds/chargebacks, you will NOT get any affiliate commission.

Why You Should Promote:
  • Huge commissions, up to 25% for some offers
  • Generate passive income through commissions, month after month
  • High conversion rate & upsells
  • Effective conversion for cold and warm traffic
  • High conversion & ROI on Facebook, YouTube, Google, Email
  • Great offer + customer support
  • Works for versatile lists: Biz Op, Kindle, IM, Finance, Make Money Online
  • High quality copywriting, so you don’t have to write much of the offer
  • Fast Payouts
How to Promote & Start Generating Sales Commissions:
After you’ve been approved as our affiliate, you’ll be able to get your own affiliate links for our products. You can choose to promote those links via: email list, facebook ads, youtube ads, blog post, banner ads, funnel, private promotion, backend monetization & even using free traffic. If you have any questions, you can contact us by emailing at or message the live chat.

Our affiliate program has the possibility of becoming a source of passive income for you for years to come. So, get started by applying for our affiliate program today. We look forward to creating a win-win combo.


Write Posts On Our Blog

Cheers for contributing to moneydronex! We team up with some of the most creative minds to bring our viewers money, motivation & productivity hacks for the modern world. Through this partnership, we aspire to showcase your creative ideas while promoting your brand as a trustworthy one.

It is worth mentioning that we get inbound leads all the time who aren’t quite the right fit for us.  We often refer these leads to our trusted partners.

General Guidelines for Submitting Blog Posts

Check out these guidelines first if you want to contribute to our blog. Make sure to engineer your post in such a way that it meets the requirements specified. Then click the “Submit Your Post” button and follow instructions from there.

Allowed Blog Post Themes and Topics

We accept posts for guest content in these niches:

      • Business Automation

      • Business & Startups

      • High Income Skills (Copywriting, Sales, Marketing, Content Writing etc.)

      • Internet Marketing

      • Lifestyle

      • Money

      • Motivation & Mindset

      • Passive Income

      • Productivity

      • Real Estate

      • Self Help

      • Stock Trading

      • Success

      • Wealth, Investing & Personal Finance

If you’re confused while brainstorming what to write about, ask yourself these questions:

  • Is this topic going to add value to to the audience of moneydronex?
  • Is this topic relevant and relatable to the viewers and core values of moneydronex?
  • Does my post offer practical solutions (without the need of buying any product)?
  • Is my post interesting, informative, inspiring, educational, friendly and fun?
  • Am I qualified to write about the topic I selected?
  • What unique insight can I show in my post that nobody else can?
  • Does my post have a great headline and an original image (with me having full legal rights to use them)?
  • Is my post SEO optimized?

Seems hard? Here’s what you get in return:

Benefits of Writing for Us

  • Promote yourself, your website, blog, product or service. Generate qualified leads for a very cheap price.
  • Attract customers/clients from all over the world.
  • Rank your website higher in the search engines by getting a high quality backlink.
  • Get featured in our blog with you, your brand and your content out there for the entire world to see.
  • Acquire a tremendous amount of knowledge and experience for yourself and your business

Tips for Guest Post Content

  • Content must be ORIGINAL: Duplicate or syndicated content will be rejected. If your post appears anywhere else on the web, it will also be rejected. If your post contains quotation of other content, make sure to link to those.
  • Posts must be 1,000 – 1,500+ words long: This is the most optimized form of content for blogs. So, before submitting, ensure that your content is at least 1000 words.
  • Ease of visibility & readability: Break up your content by using headings, subheadings, lists, bullets, and other visual elements.
  • Write in a natural, conversational tone: Share your content in a positive, upbeat and friendly nature. Write as if you’re talking to a friend and don’t forget to show your sense of humor.
  • Include your sources: Back up your claims/stats with references and links to gain trust.
  • Share real-world experience: Share your story, your past mistakes, plans and strategies if they are relevant.
  • Proper grammar & spelling: Bad grammar and spelling instantly changes the positive perceptions readers have about you.
  • Take a position. If you disagree with the status quo or mainstream view and can back up your opinions with proofs and facts, don’t be afraid to share your controversial views.

 In Your Guest Post Include

  • Statistics: Try to include valid first or third party research, statistics, and data in your post.
  • Outbound Links: Link to relevant authoritative sites if they contain valuable info.
  • Summary & Actionable Takeaways: Summarize the key points of your article as bullet points at the end of every post.

NOTE: Before submitting an article make sure that you agree with our terms and conditions. Also understand that moneydronex reserves full editorial control and may edit or tweak submissions as we see fit. These tweaks include but are not limited to removing too much self-promotion, changing and editing headlines as well as post content, optimizing for SEO, edits both small and large, and more. We also have the right to reject any articles that don’t meet our requirements. We don’t offer any financial compensation for guest bloggers, but we highly appreciate your contribution.

Guest Post Logistics

  • Make sure to write/edit your post using Google Docs/Microsoft Word
  • After you’ve written your article following all the requirements mentioned above, submit your post to us by clicking the button below.
  • Our team will review the post. If accepted, necessary edits will be made to make it optimized for our blog.
  • For a small payment, you can add links to your website, social media channels and your bio in the post, which we are gonna promote to our fans and readers. Write a bio no longer than 4-5 sentences and add it at the end of the article with a picture. Add a maximum of 3 links back to your website, product, service or social media. For payment details/inquiries email us at or message the live chat. Note that if you don’t complete payment, your links and bios will not be included in the post.
  • For any further details regarding the post like final version, when the post is scheduled to go live etc. we’ll keep constant communication with you via email.

Guest Post Promotion

After your post is accepted and published on our blog, promote the post through your social media, newsletter, or link to it from your blog for more exposure.

Also, include a portion/snippet of the post on your blog, with a link back to the original content on our site. This helps both your brand and ours in terms of SEO. Don’t forget to link back to our site, otherwise you might get penalized by the search engines for posting duplicate content.

Looking forward to create a win-win relationship!


Join Our Team

Our team is comprised of creative, fast-thinking people of the highest integrity. We recruit only the most exceptional individuals for our team. Are you ready to take on the challenge?

Basic Requirements:

  • Ability to lead and follow lead
  • Responsibility
  • Collaborative attitude
  • Integrity
  • Competence
  • Creativity
  • Fast Problem-Solving Skills


  • Competitive Pay
  • Reasonable Benefits
  • Fulfilling Work
  • Culture of Hustle & Collaboration
  • Build up high income skills that will last you a lifetime
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