
Affiliate Signup

This is the affiliates register section. If you are an existing affiliate, please log in to access your control panel.

If you are not an affiliate, but wish to become one, you will need to apply. To apply follow these steps:

  1. You must be a registered user of this site. If you have an existing account on this site, simply log in first. If you don’t have an account on this site, register first. Then come back this page.
  2. Note that you have to have an active payoneer account to receive your commissions. If you don’t have a payoneer account you can sign up here and then come back to this page.
  3. After completing step 1 & 2, fill up the form below. If your application is accepted, we will send you an email with further instructions.

Your commission is 25% of the selling price (in US dollars) for every qualified affiliate sale. If you are a new affiliate or your no of sales is less than 10, then your payout might be slightly delayed.

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