Affiliate Program

moneydronex affiliate program

Promote Our Best & Highest-Converting Offers & Generate Massive Commissions

Want to make some extra money? Consider promoting our top offers & earn commissions. We offer a handful of high quality products and services that add value to people who are looking for content in our niche. You can simply help our products/services get in front of a bunch of enthusiastic people and help us in our mission to build a financially well-informed world.

What You Will Be Promoting:

You can choose to promote any of the products/services we offer on the site. Mostly they are digital products like ebooks, digital courses, video/audio/media content and digital assets, software/apps, SAAS, and services like consulting, website building, training, events etc.

Qualified Affiliate Sale:

For an affiliate sale to be considered qualified by us, it has to be completely legit and in no way, shape or form should be fraudulent. Any refunds/chargebacks by the buyers will NOT be considered as a qualified affiliate sale. Also any attempt to buy through your own affiliate link will NOT be considered as a qualified affiliate sale.

Your Commission:

Unless explicitly explained otherwise, your commission rate for getting a qualified affiliate sale on any product/service that we offer is 25% of the selling price (in US dollars) of that product/service. In case of refunds/chargebacks, you will NOT get any affiliate commission.

Why You Should Promote:
  • Huge commissions, up to 25% for some offers
  • Generate passive income through commissions, month after month
  • High conversion rate & upsells
  • Effective conversion for cold and warm traffic
  • High conversion & ROI on Facebook, YouTube, Google, Email
  • Great offer + customer support
  • Works for versatile lists: Biz Op, Kindle, IM, Finance, Make Money Online
  • High quality copywriting, so you don’t have to write much of the offer
  • Fast Payouts
How to Promote & Start Generating Sales Commissions:
After you’ve been approved as our affiliate, you’ll be able to get your own affiliate links for our products. You can choose to promote those links via: email list, facebook ads, youtube ads, blog post, banner ads, funnel, private promotion, backend monetization & even using free traffic. If you have any questions, you can contact us by emailing at or message the live chat.

Our affiliate program has the possibility of becoming a source of passive income for you for years to come. So, get started by applying for our affiliate program today. We look forward to creating a win-win combo.

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